"Life Rocks When Your House Rolls"

Florida back to Arizona
After a fabulous 2 weeks in Panama City Beach Florida we decided to return to AZ via a more northerly route, Interstate 40.
The first thing we came across in Alabama were dramatic white cotton fields. We continued to see these beautiful fields all the way into Texas.
Montgomery Alabama downtown
PoFolks is a chain of restaurants we have seen through the south.
Gas got cheaper but unfortunately diesel only came down slightly.
Birmingham Alabama downtown
We stayed in a beautiful area outside of Birmingham called Oak Mountain Park, where it definitely became fall for us.
All through the south we continued to be reminded we were in the bible belt. To perceive the size of this cross, compare it to the telephone poles near it.
The confederate flag
We crossed into the corner of Tennessee to see Memphis.
Downtown Memphis
Memphis lies on the Mississippi River and borders Arkansas
Beale Street, known for it's origins of the Blues. You'll find an assortment of Southern food to eat. It reminded us of the French Quarter in New Orleans.
Tho' we didn't go into Graceland we could get a picture of Elvis' mansion and the gate to his property.
On Mud Island across from downtown Memphis is a park that has a miniature version (tho' about a half mile long) of the Mississippi River where it starts in the north and ends up in New Orleans. It was fascinating!
We then flew through Arkansas where we didn't stay but found quite beautiful.
Oklahoma City
Red Rock Canyon State Park, rather like Sedona in Arizona
The eastern half of Oklahoma was very green with deciduous forests while the western half was very flat.
Through Oklahoma following I 40 runs the infamous Route 66.
After seeing many Phillips 66 signs we found out that the gas company was named after Route 66. We followed the route into the Texas panhandle.
As is most of Southern TX the panhandle was very flat as well, with lots of farming and ranching seen.
In Texas, everything is big!
A short ways into New Mexico we finally began to see hills and mountains. We travelled into Santa Fe which sits in the southernmost Rocky Mountains. It's elevation is 7000 feet.
Santa Fe is beautiful with it's adobe style everywhere.
The Museum of Modern Art.
Another famous church, St. Francis Basilica in downtown Santa Fe. Built circa 1886