"Life Rocks When Your House Rolls"
Bridge over Maumee River in Toledo. It flows into Lake Erie. We've now seen 4 out of the 5 Great Lakes on this trip.
Toledo skyline and Libbey Plant. Lots of industry in this area.
On record as our worst camping spot ever. Not only was the RV park a dive we looked at this nuclear reactor. Creepy....
We didn't expect to see so much corn before we hit Iowa but there were continuous acres of it intermixed with soybeans (in front of picture).
We had wanted to get to Indiana in order to see the Newmar Plant which makes our brand of motorhome.
What surprised us was to find the Amish/Mennonite at a grocery store where we parked!
Notice the wall with a horizontal hitching pole and shade built for the horses. At the Newmar plant where many Amish and Mennonites work they provide a stable for their horses. We found out that the Amish still live without electricity and cars.
We stayed at the Newmar plant in order to take a tour the next day. We were not allowed to take pictures but it was an amazing "hands on" tour. We saw them building different models almost from start to finish.
An old barn that intrigued us.
We crossed over the Mississippi once again. It divides Indiana and Illinois.
We stayed near a small city named "Ottawa". It is placed along the Illinois River which was quite beautiful. This is an example of one of the many murals we found around the town. Ottawa is famous for the 1st Lincoln/Davis senatorial debate.