"Life Rocks When Your House Rolls"

New York
We were astonished to see the New York City skyline for the 1st time. As soon as we arrived at the RV parking lot we were staying in, across the Hudson River, we hopped onto the subway to see the 2 World Trade Center towers that are being constructed and the new Memorial that is nearly complete.
The 9/11 Memorial consists of 2 acre sized pools that are surrounded by all the deceased names. The water flows from these names into a pool and then into a huge hole in the center. They stand in the footprints of the old towers. It is quite a sight!
One of the new towers. The tallest building in the Western Hemisphere at 1776 ft. At the bottom, a building that will contain parts of the old towers at the Memorial. It is not yet open.
Extensive security surrounds the Memorial Site
Striking buildings of old and new in Manhattan
Central Park where we rode bikes around the perimeter
View of Upper Manhattan skyline from Central Park
Famous Central Park Carousel
David, not finding any birds. It was too hot.
Rockefeller Center
Where the umbrellas are is a skating rink in the winter.
Rockefeller Center where NBC is located.
Times Square, overloading the senses!
Imagine being an immigrant, poor, politically or religiously persecuted living in the steerage of a steamship for a few weeks+ and arriving in New York to see the Statue of Liberty, the skyline and the beautiful immigration buildings of Ellis Island. 12 million people were processed here between the years of 1892 and 1954.
Statue of Liberty...note the size of the people for scale. It is being renovated on the inside for better public viewing.
Ellis Island Immigration Building
Manhattan view on a hazy 102 degree day
It's hard not to get teary looking at New York's finest. There are many Memorials to be found in reference to 9/11
Lunch with nephew Max and Bonnie in New York.
Space is at such a premium in NY for $450 month one can have a parking spot like this!
This is a beautiful tile mural in an otherwise disgusting subway.  The system is incredibly efficient though!