"Life Rocks When Your House Rolls"

March 2013
We started our trip with a wonderful visit to Palm Desert to meet my sister Shelley and Peter. We were surprised with a visit from my other sister Lesley and husband Doug also from Vancouver. Since David's 60th is in April we began celebrations early.
The Marriott in Palm Desert
O'Neill Regional Park near Irvine CA
LA traffic midday!
Marty, cousin David Chapman, nephew David Chapman & Aunt Nan in Irvine, CA
David's cousins, David & Trudy in Laguna Beach
We saw Deb's cousin Robert and Judy in Brentwood CA when we stayed in Malibu. They have traveled to such places as Hong Kong, Israel and London teaching and lecturing.They shared with us the family bible that held genealogical history back to the early 1800's.
1000's of windmills near Palm Springs
Our spot in Malibu, overlooking the ocean where we saw a whale, dolphins and sea lions.
Solvang, CA. A quaint inland town of Danish history where you can  buy authentic wooden clogs. The Danish pancakes are the best!
Santa Barbara, red-tiled Mission style city on the Pacific with beautiful beaches and very exclusive shopping. Wonderful shellfish on the wharf as well.
The wine country east of Santa Barbara with gorgeous topography!
Beautiful tilework found in Ventura
Sunset from our RV while parallel parked at Rincon Beach north of Ventura, just as awesome as last visit.
We again saw a whale, dolphins and seals to add to the excitement.
We then went to visit our eldest son, Kyle, in San Luis Obispo. We took a drive up the coast through Cambria and San Simeon (near Hearst Castle) where we went gold panning. On the way back we stopped to see the elephant seals on the beach.
San Simeon
Then off to Big Sur where the world seems to go back a few decades. More gorgeous mountainous coastline which is so different from the east coast.
Pebble Beach, 17 Mile Drive, the famous Lone Cypress
Pt. Lobos where the Monterey Cypress trees originated. Also home to hundreds of Brandt Cormorants and even a few otters.
I think we are "water" people. It's going to be hard to leave the coast. We saw an otter breaking shellfish open on it's stomach with a large rock that he would take down to the bottom of the ocean and bring back up to use again. Just like National Geographic!
Santa Cruz
David received his wish to go to Santa Cruz for his 60th birthday to see family. So much family came to celebrate. It was really a joy to see everyone together!
David's sisters and husbands
Candace, Ricki and David
David's "cupcake cake"
We were parked across the road that ran along the Santa Cruz Marina with a wonderful view and familiar sounds from the clanging of sailboat riggings. It reminded us of life on our boat in WA.
Off to Yosemite National Park in the California Sierra
California is called the "Golden State" not only for the 49er's gold but the  hills that turn golden in the spring.
The grandeur of Yosemite  is magnificent!
Yosemite Falls
 over the Merced River
Half Dome
Mt. Whatney from Mirror Lake
Following treacherous winding roads out of Yosemite, along the edge of cliffs, we finally arrived in Bakersfield.
There we had a serious wind/dust storm.  (Part of the Santa Ana winds that caused fires near LA). Of course this happened a few days after we just found an RV wash! The freeway was piled high with tumbleweeds.
Lake Havasu

The Colorado River creates the border of California and Arizona and the Parker Dam creates Lake Havasu.  It's a popular area in the winter for "snowbirds".

Parker Dam, the deepest in the US,
serves Southern California and Southern Arizona

In Lk. Havasu City stands the London Bridge. It was purchased
and sent piece by marked piece to recreate it making an unusual
 landmark for the city.