"Life Rocks When Your House Rolls"

We just drove through Deleware for about 1/2 hour.
Then we hit New Jersey when we really started to feel like we were on the densely populated east coast. Signs were for The Turnpike, New York, Atlantic City and Pennsylvania. We headed to the southern tip of NJ called Cape May.
Sitting on the Cape May seashore waiting for the fireworks to begin. We were delighted when nature showed up with a full red moon as well that night!
This boat represents Cape May's biggest fishing moneymaker, scallops. Below is a picture of some of the pleasure and tourist boats of which there are many.
Cape May doesn't have all the condos that so many other beach towns have. Instead there are architectural controls that keep it's Victorian Style. This is the Atlantic beachfront road. We were disappointed to find that you had to pay for parking and the beach.  
New Jersey
The Independence Mall includes the Visitor's Center, Liberty Bell and Independence Hall
Statue of George Washington in front of Independence Hall
Outside above and inside below where the House and Senate originated before WA, DC
Clock Tower at Independence Hall
Where the constitution was initiated  in the east wing of Independence Hall
We found lunch at Reading Terminal, a place like Granville Is. in Vancouver or Pike Place Market in Seattle. It's in the center of Philadelphia so we would see executives to tourists there. We had a Philly Cheesesteak and found food from all over the world.