On December 17th I spent a long day participating in the Tres-Rios CBC along the Gila River in Avondale, AZ.  It was still a bit dark as we trekked under a long bridge expecting to find Barn Owls needed for the year and known to roost under the bridge. 2… then 3 were spotted by members of our group but still I hadn’t seen one.  Time went on and just when I worried we had flushed ‘em all, there it was, a beautiful Barn Owl leaving its perch and gliding out from under the beams under
                                                                                      the bridge. Number 399.
Not long after that our group split up with mine searching for Burrowing Owls and the other for a Solitary Sandpiper which had been seen recently in the area.  Almost to the owl site we received a call.  The SOSA had been spotted from on top of the same bridge we had been earlier been under. Racing back to join them, there it was… A Solitary Sandpiper.  It was the first time this bird had ever been seen on the Tres Rios CBC in history and Oh… it was also the long sought after #400 for the year. YIPPEEE!
Later we added many more good birds including 3 more for the year in a Common Goldeneye, Prairie Falcon, and Sage Sparrow.
So this unbelievable year of 2012 has come to an end. Final totals were 403 year birds including 153 lifers.
Thinking back trying to remember all the spectacular places we have visited this year just blows me away. 

Expect a summary for the year soon including my favorite pictures of 2012.
White-faced Ibis
Peregrine Falcon
Solitary Sandpiper
Red-winged Blackbird
American Kestrel
Sage Sparrow
Lesser Nighthawk
December 2012