"Life Rocks When Your House Rolls"

Place of our 1st lobster meal,
$26 for 2-1 lb. fresh lobster meals!
They did not disappoint!!!
Kennebunkport, Maine, where the
upper class vacation. It has been the  Bush family summer retreat for more than a century.
St. Ann's Episcopal Church by the sea. It sits on a spectacular point on the Atlantic in Kennebunkport near the
Bush retreat.
Driving into Maine, our northern goal, we encountered hills, boulders, endless evergreen trees and rain. It felt much like the coastlines of 
Washington State or BC.
Bar Harbor, a famous tourist spot outside Acadia National Park. Hard to see but there are hundreds of buoys in the water with lobster pots.
Maine coastal house.
So many of them  are white.
We then took a drive to another part of Acadia National Park that followed the coastline. Every turn came up with breathtaking views of the rugged coastline.
Winter Harbor in the fog.
New Penobscot Bridge near Bucksport. You can take an elevator up the 1st tower for astounding 360 views.
Penobscot Bridge and Fort Knox (built in the late 1800's to protect the northern border area and the city of Bangor)
One of many types of cannons facing  the river in wait of approaching British ships that never came.
So much of the area is based on the lobster industry. Because of warm weather this year the lobsters have been early, plentiful and very inexpensive at under $5 lb for 1 lb. live ones.
Lobster for lunch. We need to get the nerve to cook them ourselves next time. Notice the name of the camp road we're on, "Loon Lane" !
View from our campsite where we settled
 for 3 weeks
in Maine,
25 mi from
Bar Harbor.
Great kayaking and canoeing here.
From a quarry overlooking Deer Isle.
Stonington Harbor on Deer Isle
Soon to be dinner right from the dock!!
View of a peninsula and islands from the town of Blue Hill, probably named after the famous wild blueberries found all around here right now.
Beals Island with a dock of lobster traps and boats.
Coastline at McLellan Park, the darker rocks were part of a lava flow.
Near Addison where Randy lives.
Our new friends, Randy and Monica, from Maine  took us "downeast" to parts unknown to tourists. It was a spectacular day of beaches, boats and island views topped off with a seafood feast. The lobster was $2.50 a pound straight from the dock. Then we were introduced to mud clams which were as sweet as the butter clams we know from the northwest!
They even loaned us their canoe to explore the lake.