"Life Rocks When Your House Rolls"

Wyoming,  May-June 2013
We entered Wyoming on the 26th of May and our first stop was at the spectacular Grand Teton National Park. From our CaWe entered Wyoming on the 26th of May and our first stop was at the spectacular Grand Teton National Park. From our Campground outside of Jackson we captured these looks of Black-billed Magpies and the abundant Yellow-rumped Warblers.mpground outside of Jackson we captured these looks of Black-billed Magpies and the abundant Yellow-rumped Warblers.
We entered Wyoming on the 26th of May and our first stop was at the spectacular Grand Teton National Park.
From our Campground outside of Jackson we captured these looks of Black-billed Magpies and the abundant Yellow-rumped Warblers.
From our Campground outside of Jackson we captured these looks of Black-billed Magpies and the abundant Yellow-rumped Warblers.
On a day trip to the South Park Wildlife Refuge south of Jackson we found some good birds including our FOY Wilson’s Warbler. I also caught this image of a Spotted Sandpiper and others.
Next was Yellowstone National Park just north of Grand Teton where we stayed @ the Fishing Bridge Campground starting the 1st of June. At 7000’+ we were quickly treated to some new birds we hadn’t yet seen on our adventure including Clark’s Nutcrackers and lots of Gray Jays.

This female Harlequin Duck seemed amazingly at peace amid the turmoil of Le Hardy Rapids.
We’ve never seen more “Ruby” on a Ruby-crowned Kinglet than this one.
A Ruffed Grouse came right into our campsite affording this excellent photo op.
Since taking this image last year I’ve always felt our Sophie resembled a Bridled Titmouse. After getting good looks at the Gray Jays in Yellowstone I think Sophie may be related to them too.
Next stop… Greybull, Wyoming. From there we ventured north to Yellowtail Wildlife Refuge. Here we snagged a few year birds in a Blue-winged Teal and Common Grackles, but the best was a first-of-2-year Lazuli Bunting.
I loved the shots of the Cinnamon Teal couple and the Willets but “clearly” the shot-of-the-day was taken by Deborah of this handsome Horned Lark.
Our last stop in the great state of Wyoming was at Keyhole State Park. Here I was able to visit a bird banding station where the people were super friendly including allowing me to de-tangle my first bird from a mist net. 
Experts will note (as the leaders very nicely pointed out) that the proper technique is to hold the bird gently between my first and second fingers. Doh!
Birding was great in Wyoming but was somewhat overshadowed by the other wildlife as well as geologic sights, sounds and smells... particularly in Yellowstone.
We saw Pronghorn Antelope, thousands of Bison, Grizzly Bear, Elk, and more. Do check out the Travel and Fauna pages for some of the highlights.
Through Wyoming on 6-10-13 the 2 year (bird) count stands at 456 with 8 lifers in 2013.
Onward to the Dakotas!
Spotted Towhee, in the hand
Female Bullocks Oriole... "in the hand?"
Horned Lark
Cinnamon Teal
Dark-eyed Junco, pink sided
Gray Jay
Mountain Bluebird
Cassin's Finch
Ruffed Grouse
Harlequin Duck
American Wigeon
Barrow's Goldeneye
Common Merganser
Clark's Nutcracker
Northern Rough-winged Swallow
Spotted Sandpiper
Eastern Kingbird
Yellow-rumped Warbler, Audubon's
Black-billed Magpie
Red-tailed Hawk
Trumpeter Swan
Canada Geese