Favorite pastime
As most of you know David, and more-and-more Deborah, really love birds.

Much of the allure of slowly wandering around this great nation of ours is to experience the ever changing habitats and species of birds.

2013s ambitions include to see 350 different birds and continue to add to the Photo Life List but the more exciting goal is to try and exceed 500 birds over our 2 year RV Adventure.  You will see reference to FO2Y (First Of 2 Year) birds in the notes to follow. 

Rufous-Backed Robin
Sonoita Creek Preserve, AZ
Follow the progress of David's Big Year with tabs under BIRDS  at the top of the page.
David has really enjoyed his new camera.  He uses a Nikon D-5100 with a Sigma 150-500mm lens.