"Life Rocks When Your House Rolls"

Page and Lake Powell AZ 
Glen Canyon Dam and Bridge over the Colorado River. This water serves 40 million people.
Hanging Gardens near the Dam. Unusual to have ferns hanging in a cave in the desert.
Horseshoe Bend in the Colorado.
Lower Antelope Canyon near Page.
Absolutely stunning!​ It should be on everyone's bucket list.
The ladders going down into the   canyon were scary but so worth it! 
Twin Rocks Cafe, Bluff Utah. So many unusual rock formations. This is no exception.
Our son, girlfriend and grandson came to visit us in Moab. We went on some amazing adventures.
This jeep tour was frightening but so much fun.
Hike in Arches National Park to Delicate Arch.
Then an awesome rafting trip on the Colorado River.
After the kids left we went on a bike ride over the Colorado River. This bridge was part of a long and beautiful bike path.
It got to 107 in Moab so we headed to the La Sal Mountains where it was 20 deg cooler. So opposite the desert!
Starting from the Colorado River we took Negro Bill trail following a creek to the famous Rainbow Bridge. We crossed the creek 10 times on the way up! Rainbow Bridge is the 6th longest arch in the world. We watched some guys repelling from the top of the arch. Quite a show!
We revisited Arches National Park. Above left is Balanced Rock and right is Double Arch.
Vernal is famous for Petroglyphs and the Dinosaur National Monument.
Allosaurus Fossil
"Wall of Bones"
It's where dinosaur bones have been discovered​, partially uncovered and left in this cliff.   You can actually touch some of them! Some of these
fossils are 180 million years old.​
In many of the towns in northeast Utah the streets are lined with pots of these beautiful pink and purple petunias.
Old homesteads are scattered through Dinosaur National Monument. This cabin is part of a homestead established by Josie Morris in the early 1900's. Nearing 40 years of age, divorced with her children grown,
​she wanted a home of her own. She chose this spot for it's natural resources to sustain herself. She had rugs, wallpaper, quilts and pictures to make it home. She lived in this cabin until her death shortly before her 90th birthday in 1964.
Also in Dinosaur National Monument is Josie's Cabin.
From the cabin we took a box canyon trail that was cool, lush and full of flowers.
Flaming Gorge
In the very northeast corner of Utah there is a reservoir fed by the Green River. We visited the dam, bridge and Visitor's Centers. 
Our last stop in Utah was another homestead near Flaming Gorge. It was a large compound with several structures, animals, agriculture and farming equipment. It's always fascinating to see how people survived on their own miles and miles from any civilization.
Flaming Gorge Dam stands 455 feet high. One cubic million yards of concrete were used to build the dam and powerplant.
Below is just a small part of Flaming Gorge reservoir taken from the spectacular Red Canyon visitor's center.
Different and beautiful flowers around.

Typical Petroglyph