New Mexico
Our New Mexico campsite viewing the Chiricahua Mtns. in AZ
Life near the Mexican border. Checkpoints everywhere. 332 "marked" vehicles we've seen so far (3/22/12)
Slideshow of the Chiricahua Mtns, the town of Portal Post Office, Javelinas and the "hoodoos" at Chiricahua Nat'l Monument
Living on solar at Elephant Butte State Park, New Mexico
Organ Mountains east of Las Cruces, NM
Pecan Orchards, La Mesa
New Mexico is famous for raising these nuts for China
Chope's Bar next to their famous Mexican Restaurant. People travel for miles and wait a long time to eat their food.
New Mexico has outstanding Mexican fare!
Bottomless Lakes State Park, Roswell NM as it snowed
(our RV is closest to lake)
Carlsbad Caverns
Old Messia
An Adobe stye historic town next to Las Cruces. It's famous for art galleries, Mexican cuisine and Billy the Kid.