On July 27th we moved from Massachusetts to the final State of our Eastern swing… Maine.  While overall the weather in Maine was glorious most of the birding was in inclement weather and the photos reflect that. Besides having sweet, fresh lobster 7 times for as little as $2.50/lb we absolutely loved Maine.

Our first stop was outside of Kennebunkport. Here we viewed our first Common Eiders.
Next we moved onto Patten Pond Campground outside of Ellsworth, ME.  Here we were in a spectacular campsite overlooking the Lake. We couldn’t help but stay here 3 weeks.  It was the first time since January we stayed anywhere more than a week.
​And the rest was welcome.

From there we visited many places including Acadia National Park, Schoodic Point.  Here we viewed our first Black Guillemots.
The next day on the 6th of August I joined a ranger led tour of the main section of Acadia N.P. As evidenced by the Loon picture below the fog was thick but I still managed to see my first ever American Black Duck as well as Alder Flycatcher.
On the 8th of August Deborah and I took a marvelous day trip to Stonington, ME where we bought live 3 lb. lobsters right off the dock.  On the way we stopped at Scott’s Landing.  Here we saw our first Nashville Warbler of the year as well as the other birds below.  At his point my year list stands at 342 including 130 lifers. 
The next day we went for a self guided walk (most -of-the-way) around a sanctuary just outside of Ellsworth, ME called Bird Acres.  Another cloudy and generally unremarkable day.  Here (with no help from the signage) I managed to get us lost. We ended up going back the way we came turning a 2 mile walk into closer to 4 miles.  At Bird Acres they also rehab hawks and owls including this Red-Shouldered Hawk.
On the 12th I went birding on Mount Desert Island with a local “Birding Pals” birder who showed me the ropes. She helped locate my first Blue-Headed Vireo as well as White-Throated Sparrows. 
The definite birding highlight of Maine was a Whale and Puffin trip I took aboard the Atlanticat out of Bar Harbor. We visited Petit Manan NWR. (island). While no whales were seen several lifers and year birds were viewed on this mostly foggy day. These included Northern Gannet, Atlantic Puffin, Red Phalarope, Wilson’s Storm-Petrel, Great Shearwaters and Arctic Terns.
Lastly in Maine we joined our new friends Randy and Monica for a glorious tour of the sites of “Down-East“. We visited many non-tourist spots including Addison, and Beals Island.  The day also included opportunities to see some birds.  See the Travel pages for more.

As we sadly leave Maine the bird tally stands at 351/137.

​Getting worried about achieving my goal of 400 year birds for 2012. However I’m not giving up as we are heading to Florida for part of the Fall migration. So there is still hope.  Hopefully the hurricane season cooperates.
Commom Eider, female
Double -Crested
Semi-Palmated Plover
Black Guillemot
Common Eider, male
Hairy Woodpecker
Common Loon in the densest fog of the trip.
American Black Duck
Common Yellowthroat
American Redstart
Vesper Sparrow
Red-Shouldered Hawk
White-Throated Sparrow
Black-Capped Chickadee
Common Yellowthroat
Atlantic Puffins
Northern Gannet
Red Phalarope
Black Guillemot
Wilson's Storm-Petral
"foot pattering" while feeding
Great Shearwaters
Song Sparrow in molt
Lesser Yellowlegs
Least Sandpiper