"Life Rocks When Your House Rolls"

Rhode Island

After a harrowing 8 hour drive from Jersey City, NJ, over the George Washington Bridge into New York (toll of $52!!!), through NY, Connecticut and Rhode Island (which isn't really an island) we landed outside of Boston in a little town called Bellingham.
Boston State House
Old South Meeting Hall
Built in 1729 as a Puritan meeting house, Benjamin Franklin was baptized here. Colonists gathered here to challlenge British rule. On Dec 16, 1773 more than 5,000 colonists met here to protest the tax on tea and heard Sam Adams givie the signal that started the Boston Tea Party.
Site of the Boston Massacre where the Declaration of Independence was 1st read from the balcony in 1776.
"Old Ironsides"
USS Constitution in Boston Harbor, known to be undefeated in battle and the oldest commissioned warship afloat. Launched in 1797.
Replica of the Mayflower in Plymouth's Harbor
I thought Plymouth Rock would be bigger than this.
Typical house in Cape Cod.
Then we drove through New Hampshire for about 20 minutes to get to Maine.
Franklin monument to his parents
Paul Revere
John Hancock