Point Pelee National Park, Ont.
August 2013
On August 26th while staying near Detroit, MI, I got up early and headed into Canada to spend the day exploring in and around Point Pelee.  While still pitch dark, the border guard took some convincing as to why I would get up so early to go "Birding?"...
Finally arriving before 6:00, I still had to wait for the gates to be opened before parking at the visitors centre.  From there I walked to the famous "Tip" projecting south into Lake Erie.  This is also the southern most tip of mainland Canada.

This handsome Wild Turkey and his raucous buddies provided the welcoming committee for Point Pelee.
Broad-winged Hawk
Carolina Wren
It was a delight to view some Mourning Warblers skulking along the road to the tip but it was still a bit dark and they moved too quickly to get a photo.
Semipalmated Plover
Northern Waterthrush, Semipalmated Plover, Red-breasted Merganser and Great Black-backed Gulls were among the highlights at the tip.
White-winged Dove
Detouring through the Woodland Nature Trail on the way back I stumbled into the best birding of the day.  Warblers galore (7 kinds) where I spent more than 1/2 an hour standing in one spot.  By the time I moved on, I could barely hold up my camera!  Along with American Redstart and Black and Whites there were the following:
Chestnut-sided Warbler
Blackburnian Warbler
First winter Magnolia Warbler
Clearly the highlight of the day was this Bay-breasted Warbler.  A Lifer!
Eastern Wood Pewee

Next stop will be across Lake Erie to Magee Marsh, Ohio before making our way back to Arizona.
Northern Waterthrush
Red-breasted Merganser
Black-throated Blue Warbler
Delaurier, Schuster, Tilden's trails and Hillman Marsh filled the balance of this fantastic day.  My new app. "Map My Walk" indicated 8.3 miles (13Km) was covered by foot.  Ended up with 3 blue toenails which are still recovering but well worth it!