On July 6th we entered Wisconsin and stayed in Bayfield near the glorious Apostle Islands.  From a boat in Lake Superior we saw Herring Gulls on one of these spectacular Islands. 
See the travel pages for more.

Wisconsin 7-13
From our Campground outside of Jackson we captured these looks of Black-billed Magpies and the abundant Yellow-rumped Warblers.

Next up....
At our campsite in Bayfield, Wisconsin Deborah spied this Nuthatch.
We also found our first Eastern Bluebirds of the year.
Next up...

... Where we plan to spend more than a month enjoying my parents home state and spending time with Mike and Andrea, dear friends we met in Florida last year.
White-breasted Nuthach
On 7-13, our first stop was Hancock.  From there we had a great road trip to Copper Harbor in extreme northern Michigan.  We saw a lifer Yellow-bellied Flycatcher and several other good birds.
Broad-winged Hawk
Cedar Waxwing
Back at our campsite there was this Rose Breasted Grosbeak preening nearby.
Still in northern Michigan we took a delightful trail around Tahquamenon Falls.
 Try saying That 3 times quickly!
Along the trail there were Black-throated Blue Warblers, along with American Redstarts and this Curious Winter Wren.
Rose-breasted Grosbeak
Northern Flicker yellow-shafted
American Redstart
Winter Wren
Continuing east along Lake Superior was Sault Saint Marie. We camped at the end of a short canal overlooking the "Soo" locks area to Canada. 
One evening our phones and weather apps went crazy warning of an unusual tornado coming through the area.  It just missed  us to the north.  But as we watched across the water... a transformer blew and Canada went dark! 
In the mean time this now-not-so-shy Loon took refuge at the end of the canal while the system blew through.
One gloomy morning I did a bit of birding from Sault Saint Marie and had some very good luck. At one spot I saw several warblers including Redstarts, Black-throated Green, Black and White, Nashville, and this (lifer) family of Cape May Warblers!
Common Loon
Ring-billed Gull
Nashville Warbler
Cape May Warblers
Also that morning I came across some other wildlife including this very cute Red Fox.
We then started our trek south by moving a short distance down Lake Huron to a delightful campground and city.  Straits St. Pk. in Saint Ignace, MI.  We saw all these nice birds from our campsite.
Black-throated Green Warbler
Black and White Warbler
Black-capped Chickadee
Red-eyed Vireo and chick
Then we trekked west across Michigan to Traverse City to meet up with our friends Mike and Andrea.  As always, see the Travel pages for more than "just" birds.
On the 14th of August, Deborah and I went out for a bit of birding and found a number of new year birds.  Beginning at the Boardman River south of Traverse City we saw Northern Cardinal, Great-crested Flycatcher, and Alder Flycatchers.
A distinctly yellow-shafted Northern Flicker
Northern Cardinal female
We also went to Yuba Creek, north of Traverse City where new year birds included Wood Ducks.
Eastern Wood-pewee
House Wren
Lastly, back at Traverse Bay RV Resort I snagged this shot of a resident Heron.
Great Blue Heron
We left Michigan on 8-28-13 having seen 288 different birds for the year, and 466 for the 2 year Adventure.
Next up...
A quick trip into Canada to check out Point Pelee, Ontario!