Birds of West Texas
Black-Crested Titmouse
Dark-Eyed Junco, Pink Sided
Black-Chinned Hummingbird
Ash-Throated Flycatcher
Golden-Fronted Woodpecker
Hermit Thrush
Lesser Goldfinch
Vermillion Flycatcher, Male
Vermillion Flycatcher, 1st Year Female
Spotted Towhee
Fox Sparrow
Then came San Antonio, TX. Seventeen miles south of town we (I) did one of those stop-in-the-middle-of-the-road stops (which Deborah usually doesn’t appreciate). But soon she understood as there on a wire next to the road was a bird with the most disproportionately long tail… The Scissor-Tailed Flycatcher.
Later the same day we visited a most spectacular place, the River Walk of San Antonio. Sitting at lunch, we looked up to see multiple pairs of Yellow-Crowned Night Herons on nests oblivious to the crowds around them. 2 new year birds and 2 lifers on the same day without bins. 

Next up, South Texas and the Texas Gulf for the month of April!
We moved into TEXAS on March 12th.
Birding stops in West Texas have included Mt. Davis St. Pk. where a pretty lifer in a Black-Crested Titmouse was added.
The remote Christmas Mtn. Oasis yielded male and female Lucifer Hummingbirds and finally the Scaled Quail lifer I’d been chasing for a while. 
Rio Grande Village in Big Bend Nat. Pk. was gorgeous with lots of beautiful birds singing. These included the Golden-Fronted Woodpecker as well as brilliant Vermillion Flycatchers.
​A pair of Common Blackhawks had just arrived back to begin nesting. Deborah and I got good looks of them but forgot our camera. :( Other nice birds included the Ash-Throated Flycatcher, and Black-Tailed as well as Blue-Gray Gnat Catchers. Heard at night were Common Poorwills and an Elf Owl whose calling kept our neighbor up most of several nights! :)
Scissor-Tailed Flycatcher