Lush South Flora
With some help on the name this is known as Trumpet Vine, Trumpet Creeper or Cow-Itch Vine. Invasively wild in Louisianna.
Massive Magnolia trees are common everywhere
Bald Cypress, Purple Water Hyacinth and Lily pads grow plentifully in the bayous.
Tiny bits of color (besides hundreds of shades of green) are found on the floor of Alabama forests.
Purple Lily
Water Lilies
Saw Palmetto is widespread along the Emerald Coast of the Florida Panhandle
Boone's Hall Plantation had beautiful gardens. Most flowers you would also see in the west. Despite the rain, they were gorgeous!
South Carolina
Sago Palms
Yes, I do love pink!
Magnolia Hall Plantation  Charleston So Carolina

Fragrant wild Gardenia
Wild Hydrangea
Flowers from the Mimosa Tree
Bullrushes found throughout the south with so much marshland.
Another orange wild flower found on shrubs in the marshy areas of So Carolina
Another Magnolia
Peach colored hibiscus
Found in someone's front yard in Swansboro, North Carolina
near the White House, WA DC
In front of the Smithsonian Castle, WA DC, is a Rose Garden with some gorgeous roses.
At the Capital Mall in DC was a greenhouse called the Botanical Gardens. It contained everything from desert to rainforest plants.
Venus Fly Trap?
Varigated Gerbera Daisy
Purple Orchid
Cleislo Cactus
Bromeliade on the forest floor near Orlando Florida
Unusual purple berries at a Wildlife Sanctuary near Orlando
On the Florida Keys we found these huge shrub/trees called Sea Grapes. The leaves were the size of cabbage leaves.
In the Everglades and the Keys these frilly trees were plentiful. They bear beautiful red flowers as well.
A mystical looking flower
found near Key Lago
Hibiscus found in Cedar Key, Florida